Cris Cyborg, ProteinHouse Interview, UFC Featherweight Champion
There is not a great difference between athletes and between professional fighters because the gap is so close eating clean, with a great diet coupled with the hard work you put into training, really makes a big difference. “I’ve been really happy to work with PROTEINHOUSE because the food, it’s really the reality – my reality, everyday. When I have a fight, I send to them my diet to make my food. It’s great because I don’t have to change my food with PROTEINHOUSE, their food is clean like the food I eat all the time for myself, clean and healthy food. My favorite food is not one I can eat all the time, but when I come to visit, it’s the burger. I really love the PROTEINHOUSE Burger. Also for breakfast, the Protein Pancakes at PROTEINHOUSE are my favorite breakfast item.